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In every activity there are words with meanings specific to it. What follows are a few of the more common words. No descriptions of calls though as it is much easier to learn them by doing them!

Advanced: One of the more involved levels of square dancing

Angel: An experienced square dancer who assists beginners during lessons.

Call: A movement a dancer does in a specific fashion, usually involving at least one other dancer.

Caller: Person who tells the dancers what to do, using calls. Sometimes the calls are spoken (See Patter), sometimes they are sung. (See Singing Call). This person is rather powerful but typically also has a good sense of humor and is also entertaining.

Challenge: The highest level in square dancing, with multiple levels within it.

Corner: the person next to you in the next position around the square who is not your partner (see Partner).

CTM: Condensed Teaching Method. This is the first series of calls, 56 calls in all, that once learned will enable you to attend a CTM level square dance successfully

Dancer: One of eight people in a square.

Heads: A specific position in the square. If you are facing the caller or have your back to the caller, you are in the head position. Thus two couples are in the ”heads” position in each square.

Home: Your initial place in the square before you start to dance.

Mainstream: This level is after CTM and is an additional 35 calls.

Partner: the person immediately next to you.  The two of you form a couple.  You are each other's partner.

Patter: A series of square dance calls, typically spoken by the caller rather than sung.

Plus: After completing CTM and Mainstream and learning another 30 calls, you’ll be at the Plus level of square dancing.

Sides: A specific position in the square. If you are not facing the caller or have your back to the caller, you are in the side position. Thus two couples are in the ”sides” position in each square.

Singing Call: The caller sings a song with square dance calls within it. This can be challenging for the dancers especially if they start singing along and forget to pay attention to the calls.

SSD: Social Square Dancing, which is a curriculum that involves some CTM calls and some Mainstream calls. Some clubs exclusively teach this program and their dances are open to SSD dancers. Someone who knows all the CTM calls and the Mainstream calls can go to an SSD dance also.

Tip: a period of time during which the caller does some patter calling ending with a singing call. Typically, roughly 10 - 15 minutes in length.

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